You shouldn’t have to stress about what to post or how to show up. With Well Styled Essentials, you’ll have everything you need to share confidently and connect genuinely—without spending hours creating content from scratch.
Simplified Sharing Starts Here
Join Well Styled Essentials and access tools, templates, and visuals that make sharing your love for Young Living effortless.
Sharing Essentials
→ Thousands of stock images and stock videos updated monthly
→ Done-for-you graphics + Canva templates
→ Monthly sharing blueprints so you always know what to post & when
→ Up-to-date resources for sales & promos
→ Class templates designed to help you teach confidently and grow with ease.
→ Ready-to-use monthly email templates for newsletters
→ Bonus Sales + announcements templates
→ Editable designs in Canva, GetOiling, FloDesk, and Docs whatever works best for you
→ Bonus email strategies and tips to maximize engagement
→ Join as a Standalone Membership or Add It to Your Marketing Essentials Plan
Well Styled Features We Love
Explore the tools and resources designed to help you connect, share, and grow with ease.

10,000+ Image Gallery
Access a curated library of high-quality stock photos, perfect for showing up consistently with beautiful, professional visuals.

400+ Video
Create scroll-stopping short-form video content with our ready-to-use video clips designed to highlight YL products and your brand.

Done-For-You Graphics + Templates
Ready-to-edit Canva designs that save time and help you stand out on social media.

Your guide to planning posts and promotions with confidence and clarity every single month.

Plug-and-Play Classes
Create scroll-stopping short-form video content with our ready-to-use video clips designed to highlight YL products and your brand.

Easily connect with your audience using editable email designs for announcements, sales, and customer care.
"Well Styled is such a lifesaver for me! Making educational graphics and classes for my team Facebook groups is a breeze with the beautiful images Alex provides. I pop my own presets over them to match my aesthetic and away we go! I've been using Well Styled for years now and could never go without it!"
"Well Styled Essentials has been truly amazing for supporting my business, and I am grateful for all the help it has given me! It helps support the skills that I lack, and gives me time back in order to focus on what matters.. growing and sharing my love for all things oils to those around me."
"WSE has been a HUGE time saver for me! Beautiful images and content ideas ready to go has helped me easily work on my business while giving me more time freedom to do everything else I need to in my life! I’ve been a member since day one and highly recommend!!"
© well styled essentials 2025 - designed by Mauve Studio