May 2022 Bundle Glimpse

Here’s a glimpse of what was launched this month for Well Styled Essentials members. Each month members get images, graphics, templates, and now even STOCK VIDEOS to utilize as they build their Young Living business on social media. Our goal here at Well Styled Essentials is to give you everything you need for running your business on social media so that all you have to do is SHOW UP + CONNECT!
Ready to become a subscriber? Join today for instant access to these resources + thousands more!
Let’s dive into what was launched!
Sights of Hawaii — use these stock images to post about travel plans, or to create fun graphics with to share your favorite “vacay mode” diffuser blend.
Spring 22 IG Quote Graphics — download + post these quotes in your feed, as a carousel, or even in an email newsletter to your customers.
Starter Bundle Videos – New GORGEOUS videos (think clean Starter Bundle videos!!!) dropped this month!!! Use these videos to create a Reel about the options for getting started with Young Living.
Fresh & Clean Image Bundle + IG Story Graphics & May Gifts With Purchase — Highlight your favorite Thieves Products, share a DIY Thieves Recipe, show up on IG stories with videos in between the graphics to really connect with your customers this month.