Holiday Sparkle Sale

In case you’ve been wondering — YES we will have ALLLL the goods for subscribers when it comes to the Young Living Holiday Sparkle Sale happening right now!

Images & graphics are be available to download & share however subscribers plan on getting the news out! On social media, in an email newsletter, in a text campaign, to make your own graphics with to share with your team, etc. (Just as long as you don’t share the resources from Well Styled “as is” you’re free to create things as you wish!!)

In honor of The Holiday Sparkle event YL is doing, we wanted to make it as easy as possible for Brand Partners who have never utilized Well Styled before to have alll the goods for their businesses this week.


We are doing the biggest sale we’ve ever done on monthly memberships this week only. Starting RIGHT NOW, new members can join for just $16 for their first month of membership!!!

If you or a team member or cross line friend who wants to have images & graphics to share, send them to:

and have them use the code: HOLIDAYSPARKLE

(This will get them their first month of Well Styled Essentials for just $16!! After 31 days, it will go back to the regular $29.00/month — but it will be just in time for our biggest sale of the year BLACK FRIDAY  perfect timing!)

Let’s do this thing friends!