April 2023 Bundle Glimpses

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Welcome to Well Styled Essentials, your go-to resource for beautiful, high-quality stock images and videos, as well as stunning graphics and templates that will take your Young Living business to the next level.
Are you ready for the latest and greatest content releases from April 2023? Let’s dive in!
This month, we’re celebrating birthdays in style with our Birthday Celebration Stock Images. From colorful party hats and gift wrapping to mouthwatering cakes and cupcakes, this collection has everything you need to add a touch of fun and excitement to your next project.
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of 13 new stock videos in April 2023. These videos are perfect for showcasing your favorite Young Living products, from skincare to wellness supplements.
In the stock video section this month, you’ll find:
- Setting Down A Gift Bag
- Skincare Stop Motion
- Holding a Piñata
- Lighting Birthday Candles
- Using ART Moisturizer
- Setting Out Art Line
- Balloons Dropping
- Using Balance Toner
- BLOOM Stop Motion
- Setting Out BLOOM Line
- April ’23 US GWP
- For The Love Of Lemons Bundle (2)
Looking for beautiful graphics to share on your social media accounts? Check out our YL Skincare Pt. 1 + Matching IG Stories. By using a mix of product and lifestyle shots, you can create a cohesive and visually stunning social media presence that showcases the unique benefits and features of each skincare line. We’ve also updated our For The Love Of Lemons Starter Bundle Images and launched our April 2023 US GWP graphics.
Ready to take your marketing game to the next level? We’re excited to introduce our exclusive 4-page mobile website Canva Template, designed to help Well Styled Members create a stunning and informative landing page for a Young Living skincare class. We’ve also launched a Mobile Website Canva Template, perfect for Young Living brand partners looking to create a professional and effective online presence.

And of course, don’t forget about our Monthly Idea Guide. By far our most popular resource, this guide breaks down everything that has launched this month and gives you marketing tips & tricks on how to use the content. Before you download anything else, get this in your hands first!

Ready to take your Young Living business to the next level? Subscribe to Well Styled Essentials today!