April 2022 Bundle Glimpse

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Here’s a glimpse of what was launched this month for Well Styled Essentials members. Each month members get images, graphics, templates, and now even STOCK VIDEOS to utilize as they build their Young Living business on social media. Our goal here at Well Styled Essentials is to give you everything you need for running your business on social media so that all you have to do is SHOW UP + CONNECT!
Let’s dive into what was launched!
Easter Scenes — use these stock images to post about your Easter traditions on your feed or to make an interactive poll series on your stories!
Easter Diffuser Blend Story Graphics — download + post the easter blends ig story bundle slides for a quick and easy way to add value for your followers.
50+ brand new stock videos were added to this brand new resource for members! Check out this post to see the breakdown!
’22 Springtime Combos + Spring Challenge Carousel Graphics + April Gifts With Purchase — share these resources in an IG post to your feed, on ig stories – bonus tip: pair with a new video clip of a diffuser running, in a text message campaign, or even in an email newsletter!